How to Delete Your Unused Terraria Servers; If you’re like me, you’ve been playing Terraria since 2011 and have dozens of unused servers in your world (in this case, server refers to an individual world you’ve created). If so, you can free up some hard drive space by removing them. Read on to learn how.
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Know what you are deleting
To delete your unused Terraria servers, you can go into the hosting application and shut them down or you can go on each individual server and delete them one by one. Please note that once a server is deleted, it cannot be reactivated again without being recreated.
If you want to keep your saved games and items, we suggest you play on them before deleting them. Also, be sure that it is actually an unused server before you delete it.
Sometimes these things can get mixed up in all of your game files and accidentally deleted so do double-check before doing anything.
To delete a server in Terraria hosting software, go into Hosting > Manage Servers > Server List. From there, select the server you want to delete and then click Shut Down. From there, you will be prompted with a message asking if you are sure you want to shut down this server.
Click OK and then enter your password when prompted. Once the shutdown process has been completed, the shutdown message will appear at the top of the window indicating that it was successful. Repeat this process for any other servers that are no longer needed until they are all gone.
Have the right tools and knowledge
You can delete your unneeded servers by pressing Ctrl+A and then using the ‘delete selected’ option in the top right-hand corner. But before you do, make sure you have backup copies of your world files and don’t forget to delete all active ServerRadios from your character’s equipment inventory first. Alternatively, you can delete your servers by deleting them from the control panel on the terraria website but this doesn’t allow for backups of worlds, so it is not recommended.
Wrap Up
That’s it! You now know how to delete your old or unused Terraria servers. To recap, you need to first create a new World Name, find your .conf file for the server you want to delete and delete everything that starts with localport followed by =5000. If you have any questions about this process please leave them in the comments below.